Do you have a self-care checklist? When the idea of “self-care” comes up in conversation, what do you think of it? Images of manicures, massages, and spa days come to mind. However, there are many other things that self-care can be.
An essential self-care checklist created by a pharmacist and wellness expert can help you live a more balanced life. You can use it as it is or add other practices unique to you. The primary purpose of this list is to remind you to prioritize your physical and mental well-being each and every day!

Self-Care Checklist: 7 Simple Ways to Practice Self-Care Daily
1. Drink Enough Water
You’ve likely heard of the “8 glasses of water a day” recommendation, but the truth is you may need more if you’re exercising, feeling unwell, or working outside during hot weather. This is an essential part of your self-care checklist.
You can use a reusable water bottle to help you keep track of how much water you’ve had to drink. If you don’t normally drink water alone, feel free to add fruit or tea to flavor it!
2. Eat 3 Real Meals
How often do you skip a meal and snack on less-than-healthy snacks instead? When we miss meals, we often get so hungry that we binge on things that aren’t good for us.
This is not self-care. Don’t deprive yourself – eat three good meals a day with a few snacks in between.
3. Eat Fruit and Vegetables Daily
Your food is your fuel, but we often get so caught up in the taste that we forget that it’s what’s providing our bodies with the building blocks to repair and replace damaged cells.
The healthier the foods you eat, the healthier you’ll be, and try not to be all-or-nothing. If you eat something unhealthy, don’t throw away the whole day; try to make healthy choices after.
Remember that a self-care checklist is a guide. Add a serving of fruit or vegetables to each meal and build up to 5 servings daily.
4. Get 7+ Hours of Sleep
There’s so much to do and see in our busy lives that it can be tempting to lose out on sleep to get more done, but try your best not to!
Adults need 7-8 hours of sleep a night on average, and this is the time when your body repairs and grows, so don’t skip it.
If you have trouble falling asleep, try relaxing in bed for 30-60 minutes before you want to go to sleep, doing something that’s not too exciting.
Read a book, listen to music, do some coloring – just don’t watch a fast-paced thriller or scroll through social media!
A good bedtime routine is an added bonus in addition to the self-care checklist.
5. Move
Like eating healthy, we tend to be all-or-nothing with our exercise regimes. We’re either at the gym five nights a week or barely moving from the couch. Instead, try to get some movement every day.
A 20-minute walk each day will do wonders for your physical and mental health, and if you can’t get outside due to bad weather, try yoga or follow a short workout video on YouTube.
The aim is to get the blood flowing!
6. Reduce Stress
We live in a society that champions people’s ability to withstand ever-increasing amounts of stress, but hundreds of studies have found how damaging chronic stress can be to our mental and physical health.
High cortisol levels (the stress hormone) can lead to inflammation, digestive issues, and high blood pressure, among other issues.
How you choose to relax is individual to everyone, but try avoiding the news for the first and last hours of your day (the same goes for social media), try to have a defined start and end to your work day, and find an activity that helps you relax and do it each day.
7. Talk to a Loved One
Whether it’s a quick phone call, a text, a walk in the park with your partner, or a night out with friends, staying connected can do wonders for your mental health. Try to interact with someone every day.
Self-Care Checklist Recap
Whether you’re doing most of these things daily or feel like you’re struggling, this self-care checklist can help keep you on track.
If something seems difficult or impossible to you right now, take a baby step! Be proud of everything you do for yourself, and be kind to yourself on hard days.
With self-compassion and self-care, our lives and health can improve exponentially. Don’t forget that your pharmacist is a self-care expert!